Hamara Centre to host Community Health Fair


Hamara CentreThe Hamara Healthy Living Centre in Beeston will be hosting a Community Health Fair next Wednesday (6 November 2013).

The event will offer free heath checks and advice on: healthy living, nutrition, men’s health, food growing, and being more active.

In the afternoon there will talks on:

  • Men and Help Seeking
  • Chronic Pain Management and Religion
  • Food Growing and Wellbeing

There will also be the opportunity to tell health researchers from Leeds Metropolitan University what you think about their projects.

The fair aims to demonstrate the importance of social science research for a holistic understanding of what makes people healthy. It will provide accessible healthy living advice, as well as engaging with the public around recent work in the field.

The fair, which is part of the Festival of Social Science, is organised by Hamara and Leeds Metropolitan University and funded by the Economic and Social Research Council.

ESRC Festival banner

The event, which boasts free admission, lunch and refreshments, is being held at the Hamara Centre, Tempest Road, Beeston, LS11 6RD and runs from 9:30am to 4pm.

For more information please contact Najeen on 0113 277 3330 ext 231, email: najeen@hamara.co.uk.