Beeston in Bloom and Beeston Primary School were lucky to be awarded a grant of £500 from the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) as part of their Greening Grey Britain campaign. The money has been used to transform the unloved space on Beeston Town Street in front of the school, with the idea of creating an area that will attract birds, bees and butterflies. As well as funding, the project benefits from the help of an RHS outreach worker.
To help kick start the project we were lucky to have 2 groups of volunteers from DePuy Synthes who cleared the site of bark and membrane, moved a number of existing plants and improved the soil. A member of the PTA repaired a damaged brick wall and DePuy painted the wall along the path at the back of the garden.

Pupils were given the opportunity to choose what was to be planted, get hands on experience of planting seeds and plants of their choice. Later in the year they will plant bulbs for next spring. We hope it will encourage pupils to take a pride in their school and who knows, maybe become bloomers of the future? One thing is certain, the garden will be a welcome addition on our judging route.
Sarah Jane Mason, RHS Community outreach advisor, commented:
“The plans sound great, and so lovely to have such a supportive and enthusiastic team behind the project.”
This post was written by Linda Stanley
Main photo: Pupils proudly display their hard work to the Yorkshire in Bloom judges.
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