Back in 1970 a group of budding thespians at St Andrew’s Methodist Church in Beeston decided to put on a pantomime. They enjoyed the experience so much they put on another one the next year and have put on a show every year since. The St Andrew’s Pantomime has become a fixture of the Beeston social calendar with the annual run of shows regularly sold out.
For their fiftieth pantomime, St Andrew’s have chosen Goldilocks and commissioned a new script from Ian and Siobhan Noble:
For years Minnie has been traipsing her circus all over the land with the help of her lovely daughter Goldilocks and Benny the Ringmaster. However, times are tough and the punters just aren’t showing up anymore. Goldilocks has ambitions though and hopes to save the circus.
Unfortunately, another circus run by the ruthless Captain Max keeps showing up in town just before them and taking all the business. And he’s plotting to become not just the best circus in the world, but the only circus in the world.
What Minnie and Goldilocks don’t know is that Baron Bloodless and his accountant Norris Pencil are just around the corner looking for the rent money. There may not be time for Goldilocks to save the circus and they desperately need to find a way to bring the crowds flocking back soon.
Meanwhile, a family of friendly bears live a quiet life in the nearby woods without a carein the world. They chase salmon in the river, scratch on trees, scare picnickers and of course enjoy lashings of lovely porridge.
Can Minnie get people rushing back to her circus and afford the rent? Will Captain Max get his way? And how does a peaceful family of kindly bears fit into all this?
The group are staging thirteen shows between Saturday 18 January and Saturday 1 February, including evenings and matinees, at St Andrew’s Community Centre, Old Lane, Beeston, LS11 8AG. The performance on Tuesday 28 January will be signed for people with hearing impairments.
Tickets are on sale now at £6 for adults, £4 for childrenchildren. Contact the box office on 07988 349985; or email standrewspantogroup@hotmail.com. Find full details on the website at: www.standrewspanto.uk
Website is http://www.standrewspanto.uk
Thanks David, we’ve corrected that in the main text now.