Get off the sofa with South Leeds Lakers

The South Leeds Lakers running club is inviting people who have never run before to come to a series of training sessions designed just for them.

The ‘Couch to 5K’ (C25K) programme is a 9-week course of 30-minute exercise sessions which the Lakers is putting on free of charge to improve health in the community.

Lakers Phil Hodgson and Emma Chadwick with
Dom Parry and Chloe Jones from Optimal Recovery

Aimed at people who are recovering from injury, have not run for a while or have never run, the programme will be taught by fully trained run leaders who understand what it’s like to start from scratch.

The plan is to start off with small changes, where you do a lot of walking with a bit of jogging, and gradually bring in more jogging than walking, until at the end of the sessions you can run continuously for 30 minutes. People will have to do three sessions a week, one with the Lakers and two in their own time, but full instructions will be given as well as a free smartphone app from the NHS. You don’t need any special kit, just trainers and clothing you feel comfortable running in.

C25K has been proven to work around the world so don’t be put off by thinking you’re not fast or fit enough, the Lakers will be supporting you all the way.

Run Leader Mike Wallis said “Running is a great way to improve your physical and mental health, and Couch to 5K will really help people get into the habit, learning how small changes make a huge difference.”

The programme will start on Tuesday 10 January from 6:45pm at the Co-Op on Beeston Road. Interested people can sign up online at or for more information pop along to South Leeds Lakers every Tuesday at the same time and place.

The Lakers are committed to providing free running to the community. To assist in this they are looking for sponsors to help cover the cost of run leader courses.

Rothwell based health and well being centre Optimal Recovery are the first local business to come onboard, sponsoring newly qualified leader Emma Chadwick. If you would like further details on this please contact Phil Hodgson on 07964 087910.


This post was written by Mike Wallis using our Create an article for South Leeds Life page.