Young people urged to get their vaccine to make the most of new ‘freedoms’
A walk-in vaccination service will operate at Elland Road vaccination centre this weekend on Friday, Saturday and Sunday (16-18 July 2021) from 7:30am-5:30pm. There will also be a walk-in clinic at Trinity Centre in the city centre on Friday and Saturday.
Details of all clinics are available at www.leedsccg.nhs.uk/health/coronavirus/covid-19-vaccine/walk-in-clinics, or you can book an appointment at www.nhs.uk/covid-vaccine.
Protecting yourself and others from Covid 19 by receiving both your vaccines is clearly saving lives, and with ‘Freedom Day’ tantalisingly close, young adults are being urged to get their jab to make the most of restrictions easing.
Those who are double-jabbed will be able to travel to countries on the amber list without having to quarantine – so getting your vaccine now will mean you could be holidaying abroad from September.
And with some venues considering restricting entry to people who have had both vaccinations, getting your vaccine is the only way to be sure you won’t miss out.
Sam Prince, senior responsible officer for the vaccination programme in Leeds, said getting vaccinated was the key to getting back to the things people have missed.
“It’s been a very difficult 15 months for many people, and very hard for young people who’ve missed out on so many things that are part of their normal social life
“The vaccine passport is the official evidence to show that you’ve had your jabs, and without it you may not be able to travel abroad, or do certain jobs or even get into some places if the organisers decide to make vaccination a condition.
“The only way to get your COVID-19 passport is to have both jabs, eight weeks apart and only vaccines given by the NHS will count. We’re hoping this will help encourage those who have not yet had their vaccine to do so as soon as possible.”
The updated guidance to have your second jab at 8 weeks was announced by the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation and reflects the growing evidence of better and longer-lasting protection where longer intervals between doses are used.
So far the vaccines have:
- saved approximately 27,000 UK lives, according to Public Health England
- helped to reduce person-to-person spread of the virus, symptoms and serious illness
- helped protect people against new variants.
This post is based on press release issued by NHS Leeds
Received a letter requesting I make an appointment to get the Booster jab. Would like to make this appointment.
Hi Tony, you need to follow the instructions in the letter. We only report on events, we don’t organise them.