Geeta helps African community prevent tragedies

PC Geeta Lota has been speaking with a local African women’s group, as part of an awareness raising campaign designed to reach out to families in a counter terrorism campaign to prevent tragedies.

African consultationThe talks reached out to the African Community, with people from Somalia, Sudan, Nigeria, Eritrea and Ethopia in attendance. Geeta spoke about Syria, ISIS and the issues in Gaza in order to raise awareness and to help prevent young people travelling to Syria.

In the last few years the South Leeds African community has increased significantly in size and complexity.  This includes students, refugees, asylum seekers and other migrant residents. This community is scattered across the city although a number live within the Beeston and Lincoln Green areas of the city. Housing is often poor and within deprived areas and people are often subject to abuse and prejudice.

The African community also faces barriers when trying to access decent employment, education and health care, in particular, the difficulties associated with employment are key issues.  In terms of community cohesion there is a lack of appreciation and celebration of African community’s ability to progress and action such key issues and concerns. Such talks from Geeta have allowed many ladies to air their thoughts and concerns and discuss issues.

Families are also encouraged to reach specially trained officers for help and advice by calling 101 or visiting This is a dedicated webpage, newly created as a one-stop-shop for concerned families to visit if they would like further information or advice around this issue. The website also provides links to a range to a range of further organisations working in this field.

Further talks, as well as leaflets supporting the campaign, will also be delivered to the community.