As we draw closer to Christmas we have another weekend packed with community events.
Sunday (9 December 2018) will see the St Anthony’s Christmas Fayre in the church hall at the top of Old Lane (12-4pm). The Fayre includes crafts, gifts and candy stalls plus of course Santa’s grotto. Refreshments including hot dogs, soup and a roll and mince pies will also be on sale.
Meanwhile the Friends of Middleton Park invite you celebrate Christmas in the Park with a Park Ranger running a Christmas Crafts workshop, wreaths and yule logs. Followed by a Christmas sing along with the help of a local choir. It all takes place in the Visitor Centre from 1pm.
Other events this weekend include Slung Low’s Christmas Fayre as well the children’s play Tabby McTat in Holbeck and the Santa Trains at Middleton Railway. As well as the 8th and 9th clues in the Beeston Christmas Trail.
Keep up to date with all our event listings in the What’s On section of the website.