Donkey to lead Service in Church

donkey leads church service(UPDATE: Snow prevented the donkeys coming last Sunday – Lots of disappointed kids, but they all got a Creme Egg which helped them feel better 🙂
This Sunday, a donkey will lead the procession at St Luke’s as the Church celebrates Palm Sunday.

In a bold and adventurous move, the church council have agreed to allow 2 donkeys to come into church to re-enact the biblical story of Jesus riding a donkey into Jerusalem.

Unlike the donkey that Jesus rode, these donkeys usually work on Blackpool beach, and will be giving free rides to children. They can be met on the grass outside the church before the 10.30 am service starts (weather permitting).

The donkeys are part of a creative approach to align the services to the needs of the families with young children who attend St Luke’s. The vicar, Alistair Kaye, says “This is a very graphic and thought provoking way of marking the start of an important week in the life of the Church” .

Palm Sunday is the beginning of “Holy Week”, during which many churches hold special services and events. As well as donkeys at the Palm Sunday service, there will be an informal meal at St Luke’s on Thurs 28th to reflect on the Last Supper; a Service on Good Friday which follows the events of the day recorded in the Bible; and on Easter day itself, an early morning sunrise service with other local churches in Holbeck Cemetery and of course a big family service in church at 10.30 am.

More details on the church website:

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3 Replies to “Donkey to lead Service in Church”

  1. Excellent!

    Disappointing that only children will be getting rides, though… I missed out as a kid as the church I attended wasn’t so imaginative.

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