Children and young people in south Leeds will benefit from a range of new and exciting initiatives as part of £100,000 that has been invested by the area committee.
The Inner South Area Committee has invested over £100,000 of its wellbeing fund in a range of activities including cooking classes, dance classes, bike maintenance and training for young junior reporters.
Submissions were invited from the area committee as to what would best benefit the area, and over £300,000 of submissions were made.
Out of these submissions, 13 projects have been approved, all of which will be put in place by 1st April.
Councillor Angela Gabriel, chair of the inner south area committee, said:
“We’re really excited about the range of activities for young people that we’ve agreed to fund for 2013/14.
“ Many of the projects will be delivered by organisations that we haven’t funded before or from organisations that have proposed new and innovative opportunities for young people in the area”.
The approved projects are:
- DAZL DAZL -Community Dance Leaders £9,375
- Breeze Team Breeze Friday Night Project £10,000
- Health For All Junior Reporters £7,500
- Health For All Little Chefs £7,580
- Leeds 2 Success Grand Jury £8,520
- The Hunslet Club After school vocational training £31,680
- Youth Service – MP Youth …Celebrate £4,000
- Youth Service – Middleton Holiday Youth Activities £10,000
- Youth Service – MP Joined up – generational youth £3,000
- South Leeds Music Centre SLMC summer project £2,160
- Cottingley Youth Project Cottingley Youth Project Transition £4,980
- The Works Bike maintenance and BMX course £2, 220