As previously reported, Leeds City Council has appointed Wates Construction Ltd to build new council housing on the Throstle Rec site in Middleton. Early plans are now being consulted on before a full planning application is submitted.
176 homes are set to be built on the site, a mix of extra care apartments, bungalows for disabled adults and general needs housing. 2.27 hectares of land is to be kept as public green space, the current proposals for the green space include natural areas for play and dog walking, landscaping and sustainable drainage features to promote biodiversity and an area which could include, or be used as a sports pitch. The consultation is keen to hear from people who currently use this space as to the improvements they and facilities they would like to see.
The land was previously occupied by flats, which were demolished some years ago because they were incapable of being brought up to a decent standard for tenants. As well as Throstle Rec the site extends across Middleton Park Avenue to include the former Middleton Skills Centre on the junction of Sissons Road. The breakdown of new properties is as follows:
- 60 x 1 and 2 bed apartments within an extra care facility building
- 16 x 1 bed flexible bungalows for adults of a working age – fully wheelchair accessible
- 100 x 2, 3 and 4 bed general needs homes.
Leeds City Council plans to deliver 1,500 new council homes over the next five years to meet increasing need in the city – pressure on council housing stock is increasing with an average of 170 bids for each home advertised.
Commenting on the plans Cllr Paul Truswell, speaking on behalf of his fellow Middleton Park Councillors Judith Blake and Kim Groves, said:
“We are delighted to have secured one of the first major developments of new council housing in Leeds for almost 30 years.
“Half of the Throstle Rec site will provide much-needed new council homes. The other half will be greatly improved open space. We are working with the Wades Charity, which owns part of the site, and are consulting local residents on what they would like to see on the green space.
“As Councillors, we see every day the desperate plight of people stuck in unsuitable, inadequate or overcrowded housing. Providing growing numbers of people with the homes they desperately need has been increasingly difficult given the sale of council houses, and the fact that these could not be replaced. This new development will have a significant impact on meeting that housing need.”
If you would like to comment on the plans please contact the Council Housing Growth team by emailing: councilhousenewbuild@leeds.gov.uk or call (0113) 378 2815. Local residents in the immediate area have also received a Freepost comment card.
There will be a further opportunity to comment when the full plans are submitted for planning permission in due course.
Main image: artist’s impression of the courtyard of the extra care apartment block
It’s brilliant to have new houses built on there
Personally I dont think 100 2 ,3 or 4 bedroom houses is enough for this area.
What other plans are there for Middleton?
My daughter has been on the council list for 8 years now and is living in a crowded house.
The councillors are not interested in helping.
I am very pleased to see one bed bungalows, as I moved out of Middleton reasently were I was born and bread. I was involved in volunteering with Middleton community group. Hopefully it may give me a chance to return in the future. I am reaching retirement also long term disabilities. Another 2years I will be 68years young, may be the bungalows will be built by then !
They are very good
and I very much liked
Its more than enough when its on your doorstep! Middleton park avenue is a nightmare at peak time takes me 40 mins to get to work and 2 hours to get home. Whos going to pay for this (30 million) when the council have just wasted 7 million on clean air zone. No doubt my council tax will be going up to pay for it. Possability of a football pitch?! They are planning on building on 2 of them. Last bit of green space why couldnt we have had our own middleton park at this end could have quite easily built it on land they sold off at the top of the golf course end up the whole field covered
yes its about time they build more house but dont wish to be a wet blanket but really not too sure if these will be enough for the area. My son as been on the list for a few year and been told unless he gets a priority wont get one as he is living in bedsit in beeston and gets sick of the beggars and drug addicts leaving needles on his door step. He cant afford to move as he is not on a proper stable contract.