Competition time: write, draw, photo and win prizes!

We are of course anticipating that we’ll all be in some form of lockdown for many weeks to come – and news (and events, and sport, and a lot of our regular content) will be in short supply. Meanwhile, we’ll all be cooped up at home, looking for things to do.

So please consider entering the following competition! For our May newspaper, we want to feature a lot of unique new content … created by YOU.

We are looking for different submissions: short stories, photos or pictures, and jokes.

The short stories can be true or made-up, and past or present. They can be up to 500 words long, and just need to have a south Leeds connection (LS10 or LS11).

Older folks might to tell us what life was like growing up years ago. If you weren’t born in South Leeds what we your first impressions when you arrived here? Can you recall an incident that sums up life in South Leeds? Remember to include the sights and sounds to draw us into your world.

Whatever your story, we would love to hear it.

If you have images to accompany the stories, all the better, please include them, but you don’t have to.

The photos and pictures (drawings, sketches, etc) should simply depict life in South Leeds (LS10 and LS11). We are especially interested in images that capture modern-day life – but we are open to vintage images from the past.

The pictures can feature people or not. We anticipate some nature-themed submissions. Don’t be put off by the lockdown. Everyday objects can become exotic subjects when viewed from an unusual angle or in close up. Perhaps you could have a go at recreating a famous image using everyday objects?

And for the jokes, just send us your favourites. Up to 100 words maximum, please. They don’t need to have a south Leeds connection, but we will look kindly on any that do. Remember this is a family newspaper, so please keep them clean!

For each section, we will have a category for adults, and one for under 18s. There will be £25 prizes for the best stories (adult and under 18), and the same for the best photos or images. There will be £10 prizes for the best jokes (adult and under 18).
We need all submissions in by 9am on Wednesday 22 April.

If possible, email them, to: Or you could send them to: 224 Cross Flatts Grove, Leeds LS11 7BW. We will print the best in the May newspaper, and on our website.


Photo: Can you take inspiration from Cockburn John Charles Academy student Megan Stockdale’s award winning photo?