Clearing up in New Forest Village

After my recent election campaign, I have been sat reflecting and realising that many of the issues in our community can be fixed by simply trying to motivate our community to come together and make the changes needed to make our area better. What better way of doing this than a series of community litter picks? We improve our environment, teach our kids about looking after where we live and in the process have a great community get together.

The first litter pick starts this Thursday (30 May 2019) 5:30-6:30pm at Plantation behind New Forest Village, the meeting place will be on Fenton Place on the footpath at the bottom, litter pickers, gloves and bags will be provided, all welcome.

The next venues are to be decided, but dates have been penciled in for Sunday 9 June and Saturday 20 July and we will be looking at more dates, we have several reported areas of litter to clear, but we welcome anyone to join our Facebook group, “Community Litter picks”, where you can keep up to date and get involved. The litter picks will all take place in Middleton & Belle Isle, maybe expand further in the near future.

Hope to see as many of you involved as possible. If you need more info contact me on 07852 311717 or


This post was written by Wayne Dixon

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