Beeston Lollypop Lady raises money for NSPCC

Deborah Chapman
SAVE OUR BEESTONAs you all know me as the lollypop lady at Beeston Primary School crossing the children safely and protecting is my true calling and a duty I hold dear to my heart.

Not having a very good childhood myself I totally value the work done by the NSPCC and would love to help them raise funds for their continued and much needed work they do every day 24/7 in protecting children so they have a campaign at the moment called go green for Halloween which I’ve signed up for.

I can’t deface my uniform in any way have to look professional at all times so in my way of going green I’ll be wearing bright green wellingtons I will be setting up a gift giving page.

I really hope I can get your support in raising as much as I can for NSPCC details to follow I would be grateful if you could share my post with family & friends Thank you.