Bruce Davies writes this guest post updating us on the latest on Beeston’s BasementArtsProject…
In 2011 BasementArtsProject has created opportunities for a diverse array of extremely talented artists.
Drawing upon every resource available we have acheived some stunning results that have taken the form of a solo exhibition, a workshop and film screening, a 10k run that connected a large range of venues for an open studios afternoon, a lecture and an open submissions exhibition that featured work from not just Leeds but also the Northwest of England and London. Our audience figures, mailing lists, and followers on Twitter and Facebook have grown at an incredible rate and so to all . . . . a big THANK YOU
In 2012, alongside another programme of events, we have set ourselves a number of challenges that we hope will see BasementArtsProject on the road to a permanent exhibition space, a full time residency programme for artists and ultimately self-sufficiency for the future. As you can appreciate this is no mean feat and this is where I would like to make an appeal to those who follow our progress.
At present we have many requests for funding currently being presented to organisations who we hope will assist us in our desire to create a permanent and sustainable art venue for Leeds, but as you can imagine this is taking some time.
In the short term we are working on a project due to take place in mid-Feb that will see BasementArtsProject, along with Northwest based collective SCI, taking 19 artists out to the Stockholm Independent Art Festival. As an organisation BasementArtsProject is dedicated to extending, and promoting, the practice of Leeds based artists within a national and international framework and we have used this as the basis for our inclusion at the Supermarket 2012. We are currently looking to pull together some funding in order to assist with the cost of this project specifically.
If you would like, or are able, to donate any money to this rather immediate project please contact me Bruce Davies at basementartsproject@gmail.com or text on 0750 672 1504 for details on how to do this. Anyone who donates money will have their name added to the BasementArtsProject and SCI websites as being a sponsor as well as any advertising material produced in connection with the Stockholm Independent Art Fair 2012.
In Advance THANK YOU