Writer Tony Gaughan and A Princess in Belle Isle gave its world premiere at the Belle Isle Summer Gala in July.
The group are currently working with the Belle Isle History Group and pupils from Windmill Primary School on a Christmas play set in 1940s Belle Isle and rehearsals are due to start at the beginning of November. Watch this space for information on when this play will be performed!
The group are looking for new members who are interested in supporting the aims of the group which are to promote the arts, particular playwriting and drama and to promote community cohesion in Belle Isle. We are looking for people with an interest in all things theatre – from playwriting, directing, and acting, costume design, set design – anything!
Ken says:
Looking forward to playing a small part in the play and working with the children.
If things sounds interesting but you want a quick chat before coming along on Wednesday 2 November 2016 you can contact James Major on 07712 104210 or email james.major@belleisletmo.co.uk
Thanks for the article Ken….just to point out – the first meeting of the Community Theatre Group is on Wednesday November 2nd at 5.30pm in the GATE, Belle Isle. We are looking for new members who have an interest in a number of areas that will support the future growth of the group, i.e people interested in play writing, acting, directing, set design and more – if anybody reads this and wants to find out more get in touch or come along to this meeting…James
Just to point out … credit where credit’s due … A Princess in Belle Isle was written by James. I played the baddie politician. Tony Gaughan