A new campaign focusing on ‘doing nothing is not an option’ when it comes to adult abuse and that everyone has a responsibility to safeguard people in the city launches this week.
The Leeds Safeguarding Adults Board launched the prevention of adult abuse campaign today (Monday 21 July 2014).
Safeguarding adults refers to the protection of an ‘adult at risk’ from abuse or neglect, aimed at people over 18 years of age with health or social care needs. Posters and information will be up around the city, alongside a social media campaign with a call to action to report adult abuse if people suspect it.
Anyone who suspects any kind of adult abuse or feels they are a victim themselves should contact (0113) 222 4401 (Textphone for deaf and hard of hearing people: 0113 222 4410) during office hours. If it is outside office hours (at night, during weekends or bank holidays) contact the emergency duty team on (0113) 240 9536.
For people wanting advice on any matter to do with safeguarding adults call (0113) 224 3511.
Dr Paul Kingston, chair of the Leeds Safeguarding Adults Board said:
“It is vitally important we get the message out that we all have a responsibility to safeguard adults at risk of abuse or neglect throughout our city.
“Noticing and acting on concerns, even if it is something very small, could really help someone who is at risk from such abuse, and we would urge everyone to take these matters seriously.
“Dealing with allegations or concerns about abuse can be very difficult and distressing for everyone involved. Deciding what the right thing to do is can be stressful, particularly if the person you are concerned about is reluctant to accept support.
“Whilst this is an adult safeguarding campaign, we are also working closely with the Leeds Safeguarding Children’s Board to raise the profile of safeguarding generally.”
Councillor Adam Ogilvie, Leeds City Council executive board member with responsibility for adult social care said:
“Leeds as a city is committed to safeguarding those in our area who may be at risk of abuse.
“We already have strong reporting procedures in place for the safeguarding of adults, and we are working to ensure we raise the profile of safeguarding in the city and ensure that people are aware of how to report their concerns or get in touch with the right agency for advice.”