Join a community orchard with a difference

Would you like a free apple tree or fruit bush to brighten up your garden? If you live in the Beeston Hill area* you might be in luck.

St Luke’s Tenants’ and Residents’ Association (St Luke’s TARA) are working with Fruit Works Co-operative to make Beeston Hill more green and fruitful and they have 75 apple trees and 75 currant bushes available.

To claim your free tree or bush fill out this simple form as soon as possible, or text your name, address and preference to 0794 22 66 888.

Fruit Works will then be in contact later this month to deliver it and plant it for you if you need the help.

*The eligible area is between the M621 Central Motorway, Cross Flatts Park, and Dewsbury Road.

Mark Hodgkinson from St Luke’s TARA explained:

“Last year we received some funding to plant trees in our community. With so many others planting trees on council land, it was decided that we would look to make our community orchard slightly different. With the help of Fruitworks, we are able to offer anyone in the TARA area and slightly further afield, either a fruit tree or fruit bush to create an orchard truly owned by the community.”


Photo: Fruit Works Co-operative


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