Bookings are open, and selling fast, for the ever popular Santa Specials at Middleton Railway.
The Santa Special Trains start running on Saturday 3 December 2022. Each child aged up to 12 years inclusive for whom a fare has been paid will be given a present by Santa whilst travelling on the train. Once the train has arrived back at Moor Road adults (including children 13 or over) will receive a hot drink and a mince pie. For children there will be juice and biscuits.
Trains run from 10am-3:45pm and tickets booked in advance cost £11.75 (adults and children 13+), £14.75 (children 3-12), £9 (children under 3). Babes in arms, with no seat and no present, travel free.
As well as the weekend services there will be trains on Friday 23 December. Advance booking is strongly recommended as trains fully sold out last year and both Christmas Eve and Sunday 18 December this year have already sold out.
The 10am train on 3, 4, 10 & 11 December will be Quiet Trains with more space on the coaches for people with disabilities, or who wish to be spaced out so as to enjoy a quiet atmosphere.
Full details at www.middletonrailway.org.uk
The Middleton Railway was built in 1758 and is the first railway authorised by an Act of Parliament, the first to have commercially successful steam locomotives, in June 1812 and also the first standard gauge preserved railway, opening in June 1960. It has operated trains every year since opening in 1758.