Health For All have a host of activities running across their various projects and centres in South Leeds. Here are a details of a few of them.
Coffee & Connect runs on Tuesdays 10-11.30am at Holbeck Together, St Matthew’s Community Centre.
It’s a coffee morning which gives the chance for parents with young children to connect with one another. Coffee & Connect is free and is part of Starting Points, a project offering training, education, volunteering, and the support to help you get back to the activities you love and open up opportunities for better health & wellbeing. To book, phone Angelika on 07399 078968 or Chris on (0113) 245 5553.
Everyday Life runs on Wednesdays 9-11am at Beeston Village Community Centre, Health For All, Beeston Park Place.
Everyday Life is a coffee morning for anybody feeling isolated as we come out of lockdown. Everyday Life is a friendship and wellbeing group run by locals. We talk about bereavement, worries, anxiety, we build friendships and practical things like gardening projects, too. To find out more, phone Claire on 07498 958550.
Walk and Talk, Wednesdays 2-3pm, Middleton Park (meet at main gates).
Walk and Talk is a sociable walking group open to anyone who wants a chance to meet new people, get out of the house, and enjoy exercise and a friendly chat. Free with no booking required. If you want to find out more, ring Gayle on 07852 945286.
Inside Out, Tuesdays 6-7pm, Tenant’s Hall, Health For All, Acre Close, Middleton
Inside Out is a sociable exercise class that is free and open to anyone. We try different types of exercise and often stay afterwards for a chat. Interested? Phone Gayle to find out more 07852 945286.
Happy Global Families meets on Fridays, 9-10.30am at Beeston Village Community Centre, Health For All, Beeston Park Place.
Happy Global Families is a social group and exercise group for parents with young children. Many languages are spoken at Happy Global Families and anybody is welcome to join the group. To find out more & join the group, phone Raquel on (0113) 271 7231 or 07961 966147.
This post was written by Sarah Bradley-Adam
Photo: Mariana and her children are part of the Happy Global Families group
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