Temporary mortuary to be sited at Stourton

Leeds City Council are creating a temporary mortuary on an industrial estate in Stourton to cope with an expected increase in deaths due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

The Council have allocated £800,000 to creating the facility on the Waterside Industrial Park, off Skelton Grange Road in Stourton. A contract has been awarded to Airedale Catering Equipment Ltd to provide and install bespoke chiller/freezer rooms and associated equipment.

Fitting out of the mortuary is expected to start next week (13 April 2020)

The decision bypassed the usual decision making processes of the Council because of its urgency. However Hunslet & Riverside ward councillors were consulted, as were the leaders of the main parties on the Council.

Cllr Paul Wray (Hunslet & Riverside) told South Leeds Life:

“The creation of this temporary mortuary is a sensible precaution, though one the Council desperately hopes is never needed to be used. The site in Stourton was chosen as it is owned by the Council and is appropriate to be converted to this use. The health crisis we face is unprecedented in peace time and we all need to follow the goverment’s advice with urgency.”


Image: Google Maps / Google Earth

This post was updated with Cllr Wray’s comment at 7:30pm on 8 April 2020.


7 Replies to “Temporary mortuary to be sited at Stourton”

  1. It’s sad that it is needed, but I’m proud that south Leeds can rise and provide a solution to a difficult problem.

  2. Is it also true that an NHS virus testing station is being created at junction7 M621 at the end of Westbury place north?

      1. We understand that there isn’t one planned for Westbury Place North, but there will be one at at Temple Green.

  3. What is the point of spending 800,000 on the dead. I’m self-employed with no income whatsoever and no way of Living,Government says I am not entitled to any money until June. And Leeds city council spending 800,000 on refrigerators for the dead they are really going to appreciate that.

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