A care home in Leeds has introduced a new form of therapy for residents living with dementia.
Nesfield Lodge in Belle Isle was lucky enough to receive a number of toy dolls kindly donated by St George’s Crypt in Leeds city centre. The donation allowed residents to engage in doll therapy, a form of reminiscence therapy designed to revive memories of parental responsibility in those living with dementia. As many as 60-90% of older people suffer from distress caused by Alzheimer’s or dementia, and therapy dolls have been shown to be extremely effective in helping to reduce this.
All the residents enjoyed comforting their lifelike babies, which regenerated nurturing feelings of caring for a young child once again. The activity lifted the mood of everyone in the home and gave them a sense of purpose and importance. The ‘babies’ were bathed, fed and put to bed.
“It was almost like the real thing, except we didn’t have to listen to any crying!” joked Mavis, a resident at the home.
One of 39 Orchard Care Homes, Nesfield Lodge provides residential dementia care and short-term respite care. Since the introduction of doll therapy at the home, staff and residents have a much stronger bond and this common interest allows them to share opinions and memories about the many skills needed to raise children, and all the stories that accompany them, on a regular basis.
This post is based on a press release issued by Orchard Care Homes