The proposal for the redevelopment of Middleton Park Golf course and to use this land for a Hub cycling track. Building on from the legacy of Tour De France. Also a competition Mountain bike facility. Plus education, skills and coaching of cycling.
Middleton Park golf Course was closed on 31 October 2014. Part of this AGM was how this land can now be used along with the Golf course club house.
Redevelopment of Middleton Park.
1850s Estate, Nicks view and Pathways and walk ways.
Consultation who was approached.
Local Schools, users of the park, wider community, local ward members, Wades Charity, Friends of Middleton Park (FOMP).
The proposal was also on community boards and display, as in BITMO GATE and the Park Café. Also on social media.
Alan Shaw opened the evening asking if anyone wanted to be nominated for FOMP chairman. No one did so Alan was back as chairman.
Someone gave a summary of the accounts, in the absence of Francis. We were given a copy of the accounts. But feel in this case, not to put figures on here.
The evening then began with a proposal for the golf course land to be used as a cycle track.
Leeds city council leader Judith Blake and councillors Kim Groves, Paul Trussell were there to listen to the AGM and give points of view.
About another 20 people made up the AGM meeting.
A map of the proposed cycle track was available for all to see at the end of the AGM.
Judith Blake said that FOMP have access to funds that the council don’t have.
Paul Trussell said we should move to complete the vision step by step.
Robin Silverwood asked where the money came from for someone to spend £30,000 on a consultation? Alan said this came from grants and not public funds.
Another person asked if there could be a designation dog walking area, it was said that the entire park is a dog walking area.
Marlene asked what is there to do if you don’t like cycling, don’t think anyone gave an answer to that. I could say come on the BITMO GATE WALK on a Wednesday which usually takes in the Park.
Someone asked how we get to the track with the busy roads of Town Street and the Ring Road. I would say cycle there.
Speed bumps are on part of the ring road and Town Street making it safer for cyclist, also someone commented many will come in cars with cycle racks at the back of their cars.
Judith Blake said Middleton Park was one of the most stunning in Leeds and we need to raise awareness, one way of doing that is the cycling track and recently the park bonfire, which was funded in part by The White Rose Centre.
Paul Trussell said FOMP punch way above they weight when looking after the park and adds for people to come up with ideas for the park and Golf course.
I remember back in the summer that a board was on show in BITMO GATE about the consultation and that asked about golf course and a park run.
I stood up and asked about a Parkrun in the park, and has anything been done and was told if I want one go ahead and do one. Of course it’s not that simple, I told the AGM that you need Marshals you need to register with Parkrun organisation.
I would guess you will need at least 10 marshals, and 2 timekeeper’s one of these as back up. The run is already mapped out when me and ladies from Hunslet Club mapped it out for a fund raiser during the summer for Hunslet Hawks and the Santa Dash.
Over 100 people at times run in Cross Flatts Parkrun. Many go to other park runs, why not a new Middleton one as well. Would also get runners to use the Park Café, before and after the race. Anyway I said I’m too busy running at Cross Flatts to start another on my own. I would organise as a team, and would alternate with Cross Flats. So to tell me of I want a park run at Middleton go ahead on my own, seems silly as 1 person can’t do it.
So to finish it seems the golf course in my point of view got all the headlines, but the Parkrun which was also under consultation by looking at the display board in BITMO GATE and elsewhere, did not even get a look in talked about or consulted.
Please see slide show at the top of the blog for more information.
Please also note some of these pictures came from a slide show, and always not the best way to photograph these.