Day: 26 September 2022

Cockburn sports pitches set for approval by Councillors

The planning application to provide new sports pitches at Cockburn School in Beeston looks set to be approved, albeit with strict conditions, as it returns to Plans Panel for a third time on Thursday (29 September 2022). The controversial proposal to build a new full size 3G rugby / football

Residents encouraged to play their part in tree-mendous city-wide tree planting project

Leeds City Council is once again encouraging residents to get involved in an annual seed collection to help with the ambitious target of planting 5.8m trees over 25 years across the city. In a bid to tackle the climate emergency, people of all ages are being asked to get involved

Yorkshire YouTuber ‘Rate My Takeaway’ to host charity event at White Rose

Popular Yorkshire YouTuber Rate My Takeaway – Danny Malin – is hosting a charity meet and greet at White Rose Shopping Centre this Tuesday (27 September 2022). The event is being held in support of Macmillan’s ‘World’s Biggest Coffee Morning’, and free tickets can be secured now at Danny