Day: 27 March 2020

Residents urged to ‘socially distance’ in Leeds parks

Playgrounds are closed and all activities, events and classes in parks have been cancelled by Leeds City Council until at least the end of June due to the Coronavirus crisis. Whilst most people are abiding by the restrictions, some are still flouting the new rules. In Cross Flatts Park people

Managed Approach curtailed by Coronavirus crisis

Safer Leeds has changed the Managed Approach to street prostitution in Holbeck in response to the Coronavirus pandemic. Sex workers and men seeking sex are advised that the Government’s advice on social distancing applies to them and that soliciting in the Managed Approach area, or the surrounding residential area, will

Holbeck Together responds to crisis with virtual kindness campaign

South-Leeds, not-for-profit organisation, Holbeck Together has launched a #VirtualKindness campaign to help care for the most vulnerable members of the community and to reach out to volunteers for support to manage the influx of new clients as a result of the current crisis. #VirtualKindness aims to raise awareness of community