Month: September 2014

South Leeds speaker wins humorous speech contest

  On a day filled with laughter, South Leeds resident Andy Nichols, and Andrew Miller of Doncaster took the honours in the Toastmasters Area 15 humorous and impromptu speaking contests which were recently held in Doncaster. Andy (representing White Rose Speakers with a speech entitled “15 minutes of fame”) fought

Friday’s MacMillan Coffee Mornings in Belle Isle

  Windmill Primary School. Macmillan Coffee Morning. Lost my notes, so all this is from memory, oh dear! Arrived at Windmill Primary School around about 9am, to see it packed out with mostly mothers who had dropped off their children at the school. Some small children present. Was a non-uniform

Beeston baby team win health award

  The Infant Mental Health Service, based at Parkside Medical Centre on Dewsbury Road in Beeston, has won the High Quality Care award at the recent Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust annual awards. Dr Dawn Harper from Channel 4’s Embarrassing Bodies was on hand to present the award. The team