Day: 9 July 2012

Belle Isle: ‘Speeding vehicles still a priority’

Residents in the Aberfield/Newhall parts of Belle Isle told a community meeting that speeding traffic is still a concern for the area. They told local community police officers that the current priority of speeding vehicles on Newhall Road should continue to be monitored and tackled by police. Residents felt this was

Hunslet crime priorities discussed at meeting

Holbeck Neighbourhood Policing Team’s new Sergeant, Di Whiteside, attended the latest Hunslet Tenants and Residents Association meeting along with PCSOs Kay Kennedy and Julie Rice. Sergeant Whiteside gave an update on the crime statistics for the Hunslet area over the last month, which were three domestic burglaries, three shed/garage burglaries, two damages

Girl footballers urged to join free taster sessions

Girls in south Leeds are being given the chance to try out football at special free taster sessions being run this week and next at Cockburn School. Check out the poster below for more details on the events, which are being run by The Cupboard youth project, Health For All and Leeds

Free dog microchipping in Cross Flatts Park

Dog owners are invited to bring their pet along to Cross Flatts Park  to take advantage of a special free microchipping offer. Microchipping is recognised as the most effective and secure way of permanently identifying a lost pet. A unique identification number is registered to the animal and the owner’s details

It’s the big launch of Middleton Life local history project this week!

A group of South Leeds residents have become local history reporters and investigated the rich past of their community. The hard work of Members of the Middleton Life project will be celebrated at a special event at Tenants Hall Enterprise Centre on Thursday, July 12 when exhibition panels they’ve helped