Day: 29 November 2011

Speak To The Streets Breakdance Battle At The Hunslet Club

Thanks to everyone who came and supported the Speak To The Streets Breakdance Battle at the Hunslet Club, one of the largest youth clubs in the country, the place was packed out with talented dancers and energy, celebrating positive street culture, here in South Leeds. You can see highlights of

Middleton Matters – be proud to Live in Middleton

The latest issue of Middleton Matters newsletter by the Middleton Community Group is circulating Middleton’s shops and community facilities. There’s loads of details on Christmas lights, Christmas events, ‘Welcome to Middleton’ signs, councillors’ surgeries and about the group. We’ve reproduced it below:   [scribd id=74021576 key=key-2mdida8duhthy7sgprl mode=list]