On Friday 23 February 2018, as part of the MindMate Champions Programme, Beeston Primary School was recognised as a MindMate Friendly school.
MindMate Champions accreditation assesses schools on their wellbeing policies for children’s mental health, emotions and self-esteem. MindMate, run by the council, NHS and Leeds charities, is believed to be the first programme of its kind in the country.
Headteacher Nick Edensor said,
“I am delighted; this is a brilliant award and shows our school’s continued commitment to identifying and reducing the stigma around mental health; helping our children to feel safe, happy and stay motivated to enable them to enjoy learning and achieve their full potential.
“At present, there are only twenty-seven schools out of five hundred and ninety three eligible children settings in Leeds, who have earned this award.
“At Beeston, SEMH (Social Emotional Mental Health) is part of everything we do, from delivering high quality PHSE (Personal, Social and Health Education) lessons, to empowering children to have a voice. Our children learn about growth mindset, can volunteer to be a representative on our School Council or apply be an Anti- Bullying Ambassador, helping children to feel safe and happy at breaktimes.
“Children can access additional targeted emotional support from our experienced Inclusion Support Workers in our Nurture room. Also, our Inclusion Team provide invaluable information, guidance and support, signposting children and their families to external agencies.”
The MindMate Champions Award is open to all publicly funded primary and secondary schools in Leeds, as well as children’s centres and specialist inclusion units. Schools that sign up receive access to free training for staff and MindMate lessons, and a curriculum designed uniquely for Leeds.
You can find out more about MindMate at the website: www.mindmate.org.uk
This post was written by Sue Knowles using our Create an article for South Leeds Life page.
— reducing the stigma around mental health
Why provide support to any? What a peculiar lesson to be teaching children.
Congratulations you continue to put your children first,this supports your decision to leave the Cockburn Trust.This is a nationally recognised award which is evidence based.Which cannot be said about the policy at Cockburn called Positive Disciple For Learning.
The SEND committee in Parliament are looking at this policy at present as it may not be legal.Happiness raises attainment.