A new project is highlighting positive photographs of the people and the landscape of Holbeck and Beeston.
Looking Good Holbeck and Beeston is about celebrating the area, its diversity and showing what the people who live and work in the area are proud of – a snapshot of daily life and what is genuinely unique about the places we live. Check out the Looking Good website here.
And YOU can get involved. Help, support and equipment can be provided, so don’t worry if you’re not the world’s best photographer!
Anyone can take part in Looking Good Holbeck & Beeston, from professional photographers inspired by architecture and nature in the area to local residents and groups who want to share their story. The subject can be anything you like as long as it’s local to Holbeck and Beeston – so get snapping!
Images of events in Cross Flatts Park, Holbeck Cemetery, Shafton Lane allotments, Holbeck’s urban meadow and events in St Matthew’s Community Centre have all been photographed so far.
For more details or to get involved, email john.baron@healthforall.org.uk.
As reported last week, South Leeds Life also now has a group Flickr pool where you can also share your photographs of the area.