Do you love where you live? Do you want to make it better? Want to get involved and help your community?
Become a Street Champion!
By becoming a street champion you will be encouraged and supported to organise community events that improve your neighbourhood and local environment. This will include organising community clean up days, litter picks, hanging baskets, window boxes, bulb & tree planting, street parties or play street events to name but a few.
We know local people know their area better than anyone and we need you to help us make it better by reporting the following environmental issues that affect your neighbourhood:
- Graffiti
- Fly-tipping
- Fly-posting
- Excessive litter
- Dog fouling
- Street light problems
- Overhanging trees and shrubs
- Pot holes and missing drain covers
- Damage to street furniture including seats, bins, signs, bollards
The list is not complete. If something is of concern, then let us know and we may be able to deal with it. If, for any reason, we can’t then we will explain why, as well as try to put you in touch with the right person to talk to.
For more information on how you can get involved please see the attached flyer, or contact the Communities Team by email: PriorityNeighbourhoods@leeds.gov.uk or phone (0113) 378 5808.
This post was written by Light Addaquay
We encourage anyone living or working in South Leeds to use this website to tell their news. You can either use the Create an article for South Leeds Life page, or email us at: info@southleedslife.com