As South Leeds Life reported yesterday, Cross Flatts Park in Beeston has won a Platinum award from Yorkshire In Bloom and this week it will host two meetings for people who would like to get more involved in events in the park.
On Thursday (14 September 2017) the Friends of Cross Flatts Park will be holding their Annual General Meeting (AGM). This is a chance to hear about the groups activities over the last year and comment on what you would like to see next year. Amongst the events organised by the Friends are the summer Sunday Bands concerts.
The Friends of Cross Flatts Park AGM takes place at 7pm on Thursday 14 September in the Watsonian Pavilion – the building near the bowling greens in the park.
Then on Saturday (16 September 2017) Beeston Festival will be holding its AGM in the Millennium Garden (next to the small children’s playground) at 10am. Join them for tea, coffee and pastries as they start planning the 2018 Beeston Festival which will take place in Cross Flatts Park on Saturday 14 July 2018.