Deacon Al Henry has news of a successful summer activity that saw twenty young people enjoy three days of fun activities at Beeston Hill United Free Church this week. The young people were involved in games, craft, learning and singing activities.
On the first day they looked at the importance of working together and being in a team. This followed the theme of Jesus calling the twelve disciples. The young people soon formed themselves into what they called the “J” team (Team Jesus) and then split up into four smaller groups who worked together as a small team.
On day two the theme was on being a good neighbour within the community. On hand was PCSO Sarah Holman of Holbeck Neighbourhood Policing team who listened to the children’s concern about bad neighbours. She then shared with the good practice of being a good neighbour within the community in which we live. This followed the bible story of the Good Samaritan, which showed that the good neighbour was not one who lived next door, but a foreign person. One boy said he was making a card for his neighbour “even if the neighbours were not good ones.”
The finial day was about “feeding the hungry” and sharing what we have, following the story of Jesus feeding over 5,000 men, women and children. It showed that at the end of a long day, Jesus did not send the people away hungry , but He fed them. This led to the craft activity of baking bread with Mrs Hilary Shard a member of the Church. Every young person made bread to take home and share, together with the decorating of biscuits.
In all it was a fun time with lovely young people working and sharing together with a core group of dedicated volunteers.
We all have been touched and inspired. This Holiday Club was organised free of charge by Deacon Al Henry community minister (first in left on back row of the group photo).