“Starting A-Fresh” is a 6 month programme designed specifically for those who are unemployed and would like to improve their chances of obtaining work and run by Skills 4 Work.
Based at Cranmore Drive in Belle Isle it consists of some basic fundamental modules in Maths, English and IT skills, followed by elective modules in either Technology (Computers etc), Practical Skills (Woodwork) or Gardening (inc Horticulture and Landscaping). Learners can chose either fully or have a mixture of all three elective modules. Also included is help creating CV’s, cover letters, interview practice and assistance contacting potential employers.
The training is blended, with face to face tutor led sessions, practical sessions, online activities with tutor support and group work. Classroom and workshop sessions will be at a venue in Cranmore Drive (LS10) and the gardening sessions will be based at Clarkesfield Allotments in Dewsbury Road (LS11).
More details can be found on our web site at: www.skills4workleeds.org.uk
Contact: Steve 07754 391490 email: info@skills4workleeds.org.uk
We encourage anyone living or working in South Leeds to use this website to tell their news. You can either use the Create an article for South Leeds Life page, or email us at: info@southleedslife.com
Photo: Knight foundation via Creative Commons
This is a comprehensive programme fully funded by the European Social Fund