St Clair Brown has been in touch with news of a charity football match:
Young people and staff from Leeds City Council’s youth services spent a freezing cold Saturday afternoon on the football pitch whilst raising money for Children In Need!

This charity football match is an annual event which gives the victors “bragging rights” for the year. A lot was riding on the final score as the staff team lost last year and have had to suffer a year’s worth of jokes.
The game was a real grudge match which started at pace with the youngsters’ team using their superior speed, skill, quick passing and fitness to out manoeuvre the staff team.
The youngsters’ team showed that the workshops run by the youth service around healthy eating programmes, football coaching and keep fit sessions really work!
The game started with the speed of the youngsters’ team paying dividends, some quick goals – four in a short space of time. The youngsters had a new recruit for the day, senior youth worker St.Clair’s son Isaac, who scored for the youngsters’ team with a header
This was a wake-up call for the staff team to start to focus and to take the game seriously. By the end of first half, the staff team were getting their act together and scored two goals.
In the second half the staff team had more of the ball, more shots on goals but struggled to score. It was a great match with some great goals and good team play which finished 8-7 to the young people’s team.
Thanks go to Chicken AFC Beeston for donating soft drinks and for Barkat Stores Beeston donating the oranges.
Many thanks for all the young people who put the match together and for all the staff that turns up to support the match.
The match raised £39 which will go to Children in Need.