Sports Activities at the Hamara Centre

The Hamara Healthy Living Centre in Beeston is offering two ways to get involved in sport this month.

Hamara Tennis ActivatorThe Tennis Activator is a one day course, open to anyone over 14 years. You are invited to come and give it a go and become a sports leader.

The course runs on Monday 18th February from 12:00 – 3:00pm at The Hamara Centre on Tempest Road in Beeston. Contact Starr to book your place on 0113 277 3330 or email

The course is run with support from Leeds City Council, The Lawn Tennis Association and is part of Hamara’s Street Vibe work.

Hamara Gym PosterJan 2013-1Meanwhile the centre is still offering it’s Gym membership introductory offer of ten sessions for just £10. This a great way to make a start on losing weighting, getting fit and improving your health. This offer runs until the end of February

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