Leeds Citizens members are hosting a listening event to listen to your stories and experiences on the issue of transport, getting around South Leeds and getting to the city centre.
The event takes place on Thursday (17 September 2020), 7-8:30pm and because of the pandemic, the meeting will be held online using Zoom.
This event will take the form of small group conversations (using breakout rooms) where you can talk about your stories and experiences of transport (whether that be walking, cycling, buses or driving) – and your ideas for changes that need to be made.
Your experiences and ideas will provide the foundation for negotiations with those who hold power on this issue in the city.
There will also be an opportunity to hear more about who Leeds Citizens are as an alliance and how your organisation/group can get involved in this and other campaigns.
Leeds Citizens is an alliance of civil society organisations (community groups, churches, mosques, trade unions etc) working together for the common good of the city.
In January we reported on their Southbank for South Leeds campaign, to ensure the the Southbank regeneration has a tangible, positive impact across South Leeds communities. In July we reported on their vigil at Sunnyview House care home in Beeston as part of their campaign to raise wage rates for care workers.
Members have been dealing with the challenges of Covid-19 and the Lockdown, but are now organising for change on this issue – with the big focuses being transport and jobs. This event is being held as part of this campaign.
Please let Leeds Citizens know if you are coming as this helps in organising the event. Click here for registration details.
You will then be sent a Zoom link and instructions for the meeting.
You can follow Leeds Citizens on Facebook and Twitter or go to their website at: www.citizensuk.org/leeds
Photo: Campaigning for the No 1 bus route last year