A snapshot of my visit to Abbey House Museum


My visit to Abbey House Museum today (5 February 2014) was pretty interesting. Considering that I had spent quite a bit of time there already. I took part in a photography project led by two professional photographers: Mindy Goose, Mat Dale and another young person called Steven.

Abbey House Lyla 02Today’s visit was more focused on the museum as a tourist spot. They having so many things on show there it is really interesting and obviously it’s showcasing the BEST County. The museum is all about Yorkshire and then Leeds and Kirkstall as an inner city area.

The museum has a replica pub, chemist, grocery shop and a Victorian house. All the exhibits are to a very high standard. This museum is in my opinion one of the best places to visit in Leeds for a tourist. If you want to know about the best of British culture, come to Abbey House in West Yorkshire. You’ll feel right at home. There are lots of interesting artefacts on display. This museum actually makes history a much more enjoyable experience for children and adults alike.

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This article was written by Lyla Asif using our Community Reporters website