The Crochet & Knitting Group at Beeston Library have been busy creating four new post box toppers following the success of their Platinum Jubilee topper at Old Lane post office last month.
Residents are encouraged to keep a look out for the four new toppers, one for each season – spring, summer, autumn, winter – which will be installed tomorrow (Thursday 14 July 2022) in time for the Yorkshire in Bloom judges to see as they tour Beeston.
The ladies from the group said:
“Although it was hard work creating and making the toppers it’s all worthwhile for the positive feedback and just making people smile.”
The project, a partnership between Beeston in Bloom, Beeston Community Hub & Library and Better Action for Families, started in October 2021 and a lot of preparation and hard work has gone into this.
If anyone would like to drop in at the Crochet & Knitting Group even if it’s just for a coffee or tea and a chat, they meet every Monday at the Beeston Community Hub & Library 10am to 12 noon.