Pupils from two primary schools in South Leeds have had the opportunity to meet local heroes, who are taking action to change their communities for the better.
This ‘Heroes Local and Global programme’ was funded by iwill youth social action and Leeds Community Foundation, and was run by educational charity Leeds DEC.
Pupils at Greenmount Primary and Ingram Road Primary took part in the ‘Heroes Local and Global’ programme which involved learning about young people around the world who are taking positive action, such as planting trees or raising awareness about racism. The children then met local heroes such as inter-faith community worker Mahbub Nazir, Chris Langdale from Kidz Klub and Alan Lane from Slung Low to find out what they do to help others.
“The aim of the programme was to meet inspirational people who would encourage and motivate the children to create positive change. We also wanted to give the children space to come up with their own ideas.” said Leeds DEC worker Hannah Langdana.
Social actions that the children delivered included creating useful items out of waste, writing letters to the government about pollution, creating posters about racism to display in their windows and organising street litter picks.
“I liked that we made a juice carton into a pencil holder!” Year 5 pupil
“I have enjoyed meeting actual heroes that have done big things to make the world better” Safaa Year 5 pupil
“I learnt that even if you are doing a little you are helping a lot!” Sumayya Year 5 pupil
“This project has been more than I had hoped for and one that I hope will long continue, bringing local communities together through the power of belonging, inspiration and teamwork.” said Year 5 teacher at Greenmount Primary Emma Robinson.
School governor at Ingram Road, Deryn Porter, added:
“This course has helped push our school council towards an understanding that they have thoughts, feelings and ideas that are echoed around the globe. We also had a lot of fun together, realising that important issues are tackled by people like us and not just by very serious and important people.”
Photo: Chris Langdale from Kidz Klub Leeds talking to pupils at Greenmount Primary School in Beeston
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