Dave is single and turning 30. He’s stood at the bar.
Eurydice is a tree nymph.
And Bruce Springsteen is on the juke box.
Orpheus is an internally award winning modern re-telling of an ancient myth at The Holbeck club on Sunday (26 May 2019) at 5pm.
It’s a tale of impossible, death defying love told through hair raising spoken word and soaring soul music. The Flanagan Collective and Gobbledigook Theatre weave a world of dive bars, side streets and ancient gods.
Like all events at The Holbeck, the play is pay-what-you-decide. Book your tickets online and then decide how much the show was worth and how much you can afford after you’ve seen the show.
The Holbeck is a community club that welcomes everyone and is run by Slung Low. Its address is The Holbeck, Jenkinson Lawn, Holbeck, LS11 9QX.