Planning applications 8 May 2017

Each week we publish lists of planning applications related to LS10 and LS11 published on on the Leeds City Council website.

The following applications were validated in the week beginning 8 May 2017:


Change of use from dwelling to 6 bed HMO 

109 Cemetery Road Beeston Leeds LS11 8SU

Ref. No: 17/02661/FU | Status: Current

Change of use of house (C3) to form house in multiple occupation (C4) 

54 Longroyd Grove Beeston Leeds LS11 5HQ

Ref. No: 17/02702/FU | Status: Current

Continued use of the site as temporary car parking for 5 years 

Former Tetley Brewery Hunslet Road Hunslet Leeds LS10 1JQ

Ref. No: 17/02718/FU | Status: Current

Single storey rear extension and alterations to existing access gates, fence and drive 

12 Elmtree Lane Hunslet Leeds LS10 1BJ

Ref. No: 17/02648/FU | Status: Current

Two non illuminated signs 

Unit 13, Orbital Industrial Park Hudswell Road Hunslet Leeds LS10 1AG

Ref. No: 17/02622/ADV | Status: Current

Single storey rear extension 

10 South Hill Croft Belle Isle Leeds LS10 4SJ

Ref. No: 17/02604/FU | Status: Current

Single storey front extension 

Victoria House Residential Care Home Low Grange Crescent Belle Isle Leeds LS10 3EB

Ref. No: 17/02358/FU | Status: Current