Planning applications 6 February 2023

Each week we publish lists of planning applications related to LS10 and LS11 published on on the Leeds City Council website.

The following applications were validated in the week beginning Monday 6 February 2023:


Determination for the installation of roof mounted solar PV equipment

Clapgate Primary School 10 Cranmore Drive Middleton Leeds LS10 4AW

Ref. No: 23/00714/DPD | Status: Current

Demolition of existing front entrance and outbuilding to rear; erection of a drive-thru lane, external alterations to the existing building to facilitate the use as a drive-thru coffee shop 

Unit 5 Junction 1 Retail Park Ring Road Beeston Beeston Leeds LS11 0BD

Ref. No: 23/00532/FU | Status: Current

Change of Use from residential property (C3) to short term let (C1) 

58 Garnet Road Beeston Leeds LS11 5HP

Ref. No: 23/00012/FU | Status: Current

Change of dwelling to two flats; alterations including change from door to window to side; provision of cycle store in basement 

12 Noster Hill Cross Flatts Leeds LS11 8QE

Ref. No: 23/00759/FU | Status: Current


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