Planning applications 5 December 2016

Each week we publish lists of planning applications related to LS10 and LS11 published on on the Leeds City Council website.

The following applications were validated in the week beginning 5 December 2016:


Alterations involving single storey rear extension, gable side extension and dormer window to rear

144 Old Lane Beeston Leeds LS11 8AG

Ref. No: 16/07597/FU | Status: Current

Detached sprinkler tank and single storey extension to factory building

Land Adj To 501 Dewsbury Road Hunslet Leeds LS11 5LL

Ref. No: 16/07482/FU | Status: Current

Variation of condition 3 (petrol filling station opening hours) and condition 13 (petrol filling station switching of lighting) of approval 14/05329/FU

Old Lane Beeston Leeds LS11 8AG

Ref. No: 16/07472/FU | Status: Current

Change of use including re cladding of former passenger facilities depot to form car showroom, demotion of garage building and laying out of car parking provision

Crow Nest Lane Beeston Leeds LS11 8AY

Ref. No: 16/07490/FU | Status: Current

Variation of condition 5 (opening hours) of approval 14/02461/FU to allow opening hours of 0600 hours to 2400 hours Mondays to Saturday and 1000 hours to 2200 hours on Sundays and Bank Holidays

Asda Stores Ltd Old Lane Beeston Leeds LS11 8AG

Ref. No: 16/07471/FU | Status: Current

Determination for demolition of unused buildings

7 Brown Lane West Holbeck Leeds LS12 6EH

Ref. No: 16/07485/DEM | Status: Current

Certificate of proposed lawful development for conversion of existing buildings to residential and development of new buildings for residential use

Hunslet Mills Goodman Street Hunslet Leeds LS10 1NX

Ref. No: 16/07613/CLP | Status: Current

Three illuminated signs and two non illuminated signs

Units 3 & 4, Indigo Court Hunslet Leeds LS10 2LF

Ref. No: 16/07388/ADV | Status: Current

Temporary use of land as a car park

First Direct Overflow Car Park Pontefract Road Stourton Leeds

Ref. No: 16/07219/FU | Status: Current