Each week we publish lists of planning applications related to LS10 and LS11 published on on the Leeds City Council website.
The following applications were validated in the week beginning Monday 4 July 2022:
Installation of six additional escape doors
Crown Point House 110 Hunslet Lane Hunslet Leeds
Ref. No: 22/04335/FU | Status: Current
ToHybrid Planning Application for Full planning permission for construction of 15 storey residential building providing 451 dwellings (Use Class C3) and ground floor commercial space (Use Classes E (a, b, c, d, e and f) and Sui Generis (drinking establishment)), 8 storey office building (Use Class E(g), pavilion building (Use Class E (b, c and d), partial demolition and extension to existing public house, landscaping, access road and other associated works; Outline application for mixed use development comprising a maximum of 900 dwellings (Use Class C3), a maximum of 7,000sqm of office space (Use Class E (g) and a maximum of 200sqm of commercial floorspace (Use Classes E (a, b, d, e and f) and Sui Generis (drinking establishment))
Land South Of Sweet Street West Leeds
Ref. No: 22/04400/FU | Status: Current
Change of use of part gym area to form car valet and take-away
360 Fit Performance Centre Holbeck Lane Holbeck Leeds LS11 9QL
Ref. No: 22/04269/FU | Status: Current
Change of use from industrial unit (Class B) to a theatre and community space (Sui Generis)
Jamyang Buddhist Centre Leeds Clyde Works Ingram Road Holbeck Leeds LS11 9RQ
Ref. No: 22/04140/FU | Status: Current
Regarding land south of Sweet Street are all these people who will go to live in these 900 dwellings going to have local amenities such as supermarket,post office or doctors surgery? Or do the developers not take this into consideration??
Please could you clarify the position of the 360 Performance Gym? When you open the Planning Documents you discover that the Gym is actually the one on the corner of Moor Road,near motorway underpass,at the bottom of Holbeck Moor. Seems a bit deceitful of the Applicant.
You are correct John, the gym is located on Holbeck Moor Road, not Holbeck Lane, but they have given the correct postcode.
In these lists we use the information given on the Council’s planning portal, we do not correct any apparent errors on the application.