Planning applications 2 May 2016

Each week we publish lists of planning applications related to LS10 and LS11 published on on the Leeds City Council website.

The following applications were validated in the week beginning 2 May 2016:


Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of approval 12/02657/FU for MINOR MATERIAL AMENDMENT to allow for amended internal layout

Railway Inn Balm Road Leeds LS10 2HU

Ref. No: 16/02637/FU | Status: Pending Consideration


Once illuminated freestanding sign

2 Hunslet Green Retail Centre The Oval Hunslet Leeds LS10 2AG

Ref. No: 16/02520/ADV | Status: Pending Consideration


Change of use of ground floor from office (B1) to financial & professional services (A2)

111 Water Lane Holbeck Leeds LS11 5WD

Ref. No: 16/02376/FU | Status: Pending Consideration


Change of use of former Church and hall to form 14 flats, including external alterations and partial demolition

Middleton Methodist Church Hopewell View Middleton Leeds LS10 3TE

Ref. No: 16/01480/FU | Status: Pending Consideration