Planning applications 10 June 2019

Each week we publish lists of planning applications related to LS10 and LS11 published on on the Leeds City Council website.

The following applications were validated in the week beginning 10 June 2019:


Demolition of existing detached garage and construction of detached garage and sun room 

52 Grovehall Parade Beeston Leeds LS11 7AE

Ref. No: 19/03385/FU | Status: Current

49No. residential dwellings (Use Class C3) with associated internal access road, car parking and landscaping 

Land Off Moorhouse Avenue And Old Lane Beeston Leeds

Ref. No: 19/03367/FU | Status: Current

Change of use of shop with living accommodation above to house with office and alterations including extension 

119 Barkly Road Cross Flatts Leeds LS11 7EN

Ref. No: 19/03094/FU | Status: Current

Alterations including single storey side/rear extension attching to existing outbuilding 

31 Sunnyview Avenue Beeston Leeds LS11 8QY

Ref. No: 19/03507/FU | Status: Current

Temporary use of cleared site as a temporary event space 

Land Off Globe Road Leeds LS11 9UD

Ref. No: 19/03421/FU | Status: Current

External alterations to facilitate sub-division of the unit and change of use in part from retail(A1) to retail/coffee shop (A1/A3) 

Unit 6A Crown Point Retail Park Junction Street Hunslet Leeds LS10 1ET

Ref. No: 19/03469/FU | Status: Current

Reserved matters application for one detached house with detached garage 

175 Middleton Park Road Middleton Leeds LS10 4LZ

Ref. No: 19/03351/RM | Status: Current

T5 Sycamore – Fell because the tree is a low quality self-seeded specimen growing through a chain link fence which has become included in the trunk. 

Former Site Of Benyon House Ring Road Middleton Middleton Leeds

Ref. No: 19/03651/TR | Status: Current