Please take time to watch the Slideshow above, enjoy.

The doors to the centre were open at 11am. I arrived at 11.10am, and already the centre was packed, with just two seats left, Adele showed me to one of them. It was a lovely seat as it meant I could get up and take photos, without disturbing anyone.
About 50 Members were invited by ticket only. So with Staff and Volunteers there were around 60 people at the event.
I recognised quite a few from Acre Court where I live and Middleton Park Court. Plus many more members I recognise from Middleton Area.
Shortly after I arrived I bought raffle tickets. They were the first in the book, the lady said do you mind been first? I said no, they all count.

When the raffle was drawn later Jean won it. I had a look to see what was in the Hamper. Chocolates, wine, gift card and more … Well done Jean.
Shaun Fitzpatrick was our Entertainer for the day and and he was already setting up his. I’d not seen Shaun perform before. A little later Shaun started his first performance.
He was brilliant, telling jokes and singing. I knew every song he sang for a change.
A little later a buffet in a box was given out to everyone. Including sandwiches, crisps, fruit, scones with butter and jam and Jubilee buns. The scones and buns were baked by Carol and Mavis from the Baking Group.

Ian from DAZL dance, came from next door to the centre and brought with him three young dancers. They were fantastic and had the members clapping and cheering.
During the afternoon, I had a chat with Alison Wain from Middleton Baptist Church. She gave me and others a beautiful book of the Queen’s Jubilee, and a leaflet advertising The Baptist Church Jubilee event today 3 June.

During the afternoon a gentleman arrived to the centre called Villmore James from Dance On Yorkshire Dance. He showed the ladies a few dance moves. You can see these in the photos and told us all how to keep healthy.
Shaun started his second gig. This was when the place started to rock and members got up and had a dance. I was sorry I could not join in after accident with my knee, aww. That’s my excuse. Samantha said Shaun was booked to come back to the Centre in October.
Of course this was good news, and Members started to cheer.
Well that ended a fantastic afternoon of a Jubilee Event, with everyone enjoying themselves.
I want to Thank Samantha, Adele all Staff and Volunteers for putting on this event, which must have took some planning.
We turn up for an event and have look around at the Bunting, posters, Flags and more.

Someone has to put all this in place,, and food has to be prepared. So a big thank you from Me.
Kenneth Ingram
(Volunteer Middleton Elderly Aid and South Leeds Life and many other Centres in the Area).