Middleton Elderly Aid First Birthday Party

I went song to Middleton Elderly Aid this morning 5th June to celebrate the 1st Birthday of Middleton Elderly Aid.
Had a wonderful Morning and was entertained by Chiragi Solank dong some Bollywood Dancing..

 Well done to Chiragi. The MEA Members joined in with chair exercises along with Chiragi.
I’m sure we will see Chiragi again some day.

I also met up with a lady who came with Chiragi I will withhold her name (although I do know it) the lady tells me she has brain Cancer. Well done to the lady, continuing with her volunteer work, when many would thrown the towel in.


Click on web link to my web site. Scroll down to gallery and click on Middleton Elderly Aid 1st birthday Party to see more pictures


Also thanks to staff and volunteers for baking the cup cakes, to eat later after lunch today.

Log on here for more info at MEA https://middletonelderlyaid.org.uk/

I remember when I 1st moved back to Middleton after leaving sheltered Housing in Belle Isle last October . I went along Middleton Elderly Aid and made myself know to Sam.

Sam made me a member and made arrangements for Michele (out reach Worker) to call and see me to see if she could help me in any way, such my finances and got in touch with Green Doctor, who came my flat, and advised on how I could save money on my electricity Bills.

Anyway me and Sam got talking and asked If I would like to volunteer for the centre. We agreed to set up a Memory Café which is held at the centre last Wednesday in the month.

Alex (my health support worker) comes along and gives advise along with volunteers and staff. Any body with memory problems is welcome along with there carers. Last meeting cake and drinks were welcome by all.

This to me is the second best Memory Café after Tea Cosy in Rothwell. Over 40 people inc  Members, Staff and Volunteers turned up at the last one.

Tracey, Leanne and Sam get stuck in with everyone making scrap books together, at the memory café.

I also host a walking group every second Wednesday at MEA, similar to one I do at BITMO GATE. New members welcome to both groups. You have to be over 60 or a minder to someone over 60 at the Middleton one. Belle Isle is any age.

I have recently bought some Pedometers for the group, so they can see how many miles, km or steps they have walked.

So since moving to Middleton, MEA Staff and volunteers have made me most welcome.
Special thanks go to Sam, Leanne, Tracy, Adele,Elaine, Walter, Carol, Jean, Kay and Mavis.

Sorry if I have missed someone out .

Sam says
It’s a year ago today we opened our very own Social Centre for Middleton Elderly Aid. We have gone from strength to strength.

Our membership as increased to over 1,000 Middleton residents. We are open 6 days a week , have 4 lunch clubs a week, a bacon butty morning and also a full cooked breakfast on Saturday morning.

We have a full timetable of activities which include crafts, line dancing, chair based exercise class, computer classes, walking group etc.



We have had over 30 guests from different agencies who have come and presented talks to our members. We have taken 45 members each month on our organised trips and our annual holiday.
We have started a monthly entertainment afternoon, memory café and tea dance.

Employed 4 of our volunteers into roles within our organisation. Our outreach worker as visited over 300 of our members at home and made over 500 referrals.

Here at Middleton Elderly aid we get a lot of positive feedback of how we have really made a positive difference in their lives and our aim is to carry on with Middleton Elderly Aid

Sam says
We had a great celebration today for our 1 year birthday. We had a taster session of Bollywood Dancing from Chiragi Solank from India tea and dance company who showed some of her moves to our members. What a great year and to many more.
We couldn’t have done this without our invaluable team of volunteers. Onwards and upwards.