South Leeds youngsters from the ‘Space’ youth groups are next week serving up two ‘Advent’ meals for the local community, to mark the start of the Christmas season – and anyone’s invited.

The free, three-course meals are being held on Wednesday 30th November and Thursday 1st December (2016), both at 6pm, at the northern end of Beeston. Anyone is welcome to come – but places are limited, and booking is essential (see below). (You’ll learn the venue when you book in!)
‘Space’ has been running in Beeston since 2004, is connected with Kidz Klub, and – whilst not affiliated to any particular church – is largely funded by the Salvation Army. About 100 young people aged 11-18 attend the groups each week, and also participate in trips, residentials, and volunteering.
Local resident Mark Hodgkinson, who co-runs the project, commented:
“We love seeing the youngsters year-round, and giving them opportunities and input – but we’re keen as well to get them serving the local community, so we hold these meals at least once a year, and find other ways to get them volunteering too. Join us if you can, and also get in touch about joining the groups.”
To book in for the meals, email Mark on mahodgkinson85@hotmail.com; you will at that point find out the venue. (At the time of publication, it looks like Wednesday is now full, but there are still spaces for Thursday.) And to find out more about Space and how to join, click here.