HEA (Holbeck Elderly Aid) are starting a singing group at St Matthews Community Centre every Tuesday from 10.30-11.30 from 1st March, to provide an avenue for older adults to sing for the joy, health and camaraderie of song regardless of experience and expertise.
The group will be aimed at adults, age 50 and up. No prior singing experience is required, and you do not need to read music. The emphasis is on singing for the fun of it. The only requirement for joining us is a desire to sing.
So why should you join?
Because it will be fun! You’ll also find friends, companionship, and it will also be good for you! Singing has a positive effect on the physical and mental health of the people who sing and among the benefits are: increased lung capacity, better posture, less depression, and regular mental exercise and an excellent way to communicate.
We are seeking volunteers to help with the group too – a pianist, and some-one who might like to lead the group and may have some group/choir singing experience. Please telephone Matthew on (0113) 245 5553.